Tag: small business tips

Thoughts on growing a business, raising money, getting the word out,
and increasing profits. Plus, ZipBooks news!

  • 4 Reasons to Ditch Credit Cards for Invoice Financing

    Posted 6 years ago in Small Business Tips
    by Tim Chaves

    One of the challenges of running a small business is that every dollar counts. This means that while paying by credit card may be convenient for your customers, it likely isn’t as convenient for your business, which winds up paying service fees as high as 3% in order to receive your money quickly. Yuck. But […]

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  • What Is a Sole Proprietorship?

    Posted 7 years ago in Small Business Tips
    by Tim Chaves

    Sole proprietorship If you’re making money on your own and aren’t sure how the IRS is going to classify your income, chances are you’re a sole proprietor and didn’t even know it. A sole proprietorship is a business that is owned by a single person. You can either be running an unincorporated business or an […]

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  • 5 Business Tips I Learned from Starting My Law Practice

    Posted 7 years ago in Small Business Tips
    by Rebekah Wightman

    When I started my solo law practice at the beginning of 2015, I knew it would be hard—everyone tells you it’s going to be hard. I took a whole class my last year of law school that could have been named “Solo Practice Is Hard.” Heck, I’d seen my Dad start a solo practice, not […]

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  • Small Business Bookkeeping: What to Do When You Fall Behind

    Posted 8 years ago in BookkeepingSmall Business Tips
    by Jennifer Ringger

    One of the dreaded tasks of owning a small business is doing your own bookkeeping and accounting. When you fall behind on your books, it can become very disheartening. You’re continually trying to dig yourself out and get caught up, only to get more behind. Soon, it seems easier to just put the bookkeeping tasks […]

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  • Which Payroll Option Is Right for Your Small Business?

    Posted 8 years ago in Small Business Tips
    by Tim Chaves

    Your business has grown large enough that you need to hire an employee or two. Congratulations! Now that you’ve finished the hiring process, it’s time to make the next big decision: how to pay people. As a business owner, you have a few of options when it comes to handling payroll. You could handle it […]

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  • Small Businesses, Are You on Top of Your Quarterly Taxes?

    Posted 8 years ago in Small Business TipsTaxes
    by Tim Chaves

    So you decided to quit your full time job to start your own business. Congratulations! That’s a big step. However, now you’re likely to have a new concern: how to pay taxes. After all, in the past someone probably automatically withheld your income tax for you. Don’t worry–it’s a fairly straightforward process. Now that you work for […]

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  • Could Your Business Be Doing More Recurring Billing?

    Posted 8 years ago in Small Business Tips
    by Tim Chaves

    Recurring billing is a great way to grow your business, since you keep getting paid month after month. As you add new customers, those monthly payments really start to add up. But the real question is, are you building the kind of business that people want to keep paying you for each month? If you […]

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