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How do I mark time entries as billed or paid?
How do I mark time entries as billed or paid?
Karin avatar
Written by Karin
Updated over a week ago

When it comes to pay day, there’s little room for error. It’s critical for you and your employees to know when hours have been billed or paid. ZipBooks makes it easy to manage and monitor employee time. 

Note: "Billed" means that the employee time has been included in a client invoice. "Paid" means that the employee has been paid for their time.

To mark time entries as paid:

  1. From your ZipBooks dashboard, click Tracking from the left menu

  2. Click Time & Pay 

  3. If desired, choose a specific User or leave the box blank to show all employees

  4. Select the Pay Period from the drop down menu

  5. Click Mark all as paid

  6. Mark entries as paid from a user’s specific calendar by clicking either “Mark all of User’s time as paid” or “Mark User’s time this period as paid“

That’s it! Now your time entries will be displayed with a button that says “Payroll paid,” making it easy for you and your employees to keep track of payments. 

Time & Pay calendars are the fastest way to mark employees as paid, but you can also edit time entries from time-tracking lists.

To mark time entries as billed or paid:

  1. Click Tracking

  2. Then Track Time

  3. If desired, filter by User, Contact, Project or Date

  4. Click the check box at the top to select all entries or manually check the boxes you need

  5. Click the button that says “Mark as billed” or “Mark as paid“

You can also edit time entries individually and check the box that says “Has been billed” or “Payroll has been paid.” Use the time entries list to filter your time-tracking records by billed or paid.

If you’re taking advantage of ZipBooks + Gusto, you’ll also see a button at the top of your calendars that allows you to Sync all entries to Gusto.

Once you’ve synced entries and run payroll in Gusto, time entries will automatically be marked as paid.  

Want to make payroll a breeze? Try Gusto for three months—on us!

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