Tag: tax season

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  • Form 8829 Instructions: Your Complete Guide to Expense Your Home Office

    Posted 5 years ago in Small Business TipsTaxes
    by Tim Chaves

    If you have recently become self-employed, chances are you’re pretty nervous about handling tax season as a single-person business. Fortunately, while self-employment makes taxes a little trickier, it can also offer a few perks, like the chance to deduct everyday business expenses from your taxable income. One business expense you may be forgetting that could […]

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  • 12 Tools to Make Your Tax Season Less Horrible

    Posted 8 years ago in Small Business Tips
    by Jennifer Ringger

    The first few months of the new year can either be exhilarating or frightening. If you’re setting new goals, the new year is great. If you’re a small business owner, the fear kicks in because you know tax season is right around the corner. Filing taxes isn’t necessarily difficult, it’s just a time that accounts […]

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