by Zipbooks Engineering
Spoiler alert: It’s ZipBooks.
Here at ZipBooks we are all about providing our users with the best experience possible. One of the first integrations we completed was Google Apps for Work. Google Apps for Work has quickly become the go-to office productivity app for small businesses. We knew that we had to have a presence in the Google Apps marketplace in order to compete with much larger, more established accounting software providers.
In the short time that ZipBooks has been available to users in the Google Apps Marketplace, we already have over 13,000 seats installed. ZipBooks stands out as one of the top rated Accounting & Finance apps under the Business Tools section.
During the month of May, our integration will be featured in the Google Apps Marketplace New & Notable section. We are very proud that all of our hard work is being recognized by the Google Apps for Work team.
“We want our customers to get the most out of their Google Apps experience by providing a simple and seamless way to connect third party apps that make work more productive and collaborative,” said Rahul Sood, Managing Director, Apps and Search at Google for Work. “With the New & Notable section in the Google App Marketplace you can find powerful new apps and integrations across a range of categories… We’re happy to announce that ZipBooks is one of the New & Notable apps in the Google App Marketplace for May.”
We love that Google supports our ongoing commitment to provide the very best bookkeeping software to the thousands of small businesses that use the Google Apps for Work productivity suite every day.
Google Apps for Work is a suite of cloud computing productivity and collaboration software tools offered on a subscription basis by Google. It includes Google’s popular web applications including Gmail, Google Drive, Google Hangouts, Google Calendar, and Google Docs. If you use Gmail as your email client on a domain that isn’t, you are probably using the Google Apps for Work productivity suite and don’t even know it!
The Google Apps Marketplace lets you install ZipBooks directly from their Marketplace. This means that you can login to ZipBooks from within the Google Apps for Work environment and not have to worry about maintaining a separate login. It also means that you can create an invoice directly from Google Drive and save it back to your documents list.
You can imagine our excitement when we got the email that Google likes us as much as we like them. We will probably be coming down from this feeling all month long.
That’s all for now. Happy invoicing!
Tim is Founder and CEO of ZipBooks. He keeps his desk really nice and neat.